Monday, July 4, 2016

My first grouper @ D'best Pro-Pond

It's been awhile since I last went fishing and an even longer while since I last celebrated Youth Day. Anyway, I've been real busy off late having had just finished a great trip to Bangkok, working on one of my side projects to bring to you guys a little something and also sending out resumes. Add me up on LinkedIn here LOL

Okay! Enough about me (not really). Today was my second time at D'best Pro-Pond at Pasir Ris and my first time doing a full luring session (I really hate tiring out my master hand. *wink*). Having had received a couple of lures from a dude in Japan, I thought I'd give the lures a go and see how they performed. Personally, I've not seen them used in Singapore and wondered how effective they could be as the concept was pretty Jenius in my honest opinion. However, having spent about an hour with no takers on those lures, I decided to rig up a curly tail I just ordered on Aliexpress not too long ago.

For those of you heading over to the Pro-Pond, do take note that there are some structures in the water near the fish holding nets and you might want to avoid casting too far deep in said areas even though they've proved to be the hot zones for bites. Even after losing a couple of curly tails to those structures, I stayed resilient and continued fishing riskily at the edge of the structures. After a couple of casts, I felt like I had hit another snag but positive vibes ran through me as I managed to tow the weight at the other end of the line slightly up the water column. The feeling was akin to when you hook onto a huge plastic bag filled with water at one of those west side reservoirs. SPLISH SPLASH SPLOSH and happiness took over me as life struggled at the other end. Man was it heavy to pull the beast with my light-ass rod. As color started to surface, I noticed the swimming pattern of the fish was off and had a hunch that something was not proper but I carried on with the drill. Moments after, my kaki landed the grouper and wrecking the net as a result of simple physics. It didn't matter to me as I've finally landed my first ever grouper! :) On inspection, I found that the I've hooked the fish on one of it's fins hence the unusual swimming pattern.

The rest of the day was casting and retrieving and I landed a pretty decent seabass (didn't manage to capture the footage as I had forgotten to switch out to a fresh battery for my cam. sigh~). Another grouper was spotted a couple of times swimming quite close to the surface and not far off from the edges of the pond like an NSF on guard duty but it didn't take any lures presented and was even spooked by my curly tail. All in all, it was a pretty decent day at the Pro-Pond for me even though my kakis didn't manage to land any. There are good days and bad days but any day spent fishing is definitely a great day.

Tight lines and smiley face :)

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P.S. Anybody knows what particular species of grouper this is?

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  1. Replies
    1. Oh okok! Thank you! Any idea if the fish is supposed to have pink spots like in the pic? reminds me of one those salmons that swim upstream and get their scales all wrecked by rocks.


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